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Honey Harbour Tennis Club 2024

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The Honey Harbour Tennis Club is made up of Honey Harbour Association members. Established in the early 1970’s, the club has made a long-standing commitment to fostering a relaxed tennis environment in a stunning setting. It is an honour to be a partner alongside my colleagues on the HHTC Executive Committee who put in many hours of meeting time throughout the year to keep the club vibrant and well maintained.

Pickleball continues to grow in popularity across North America and Honey Harbour was no exception.  With the addition of 6 outdoor pickleball courts in Honey Harbour (in town) last fall,  2024 is shaping up to be a great year.

We are seeing an increase in attendance by guests at the HHTC courts, reflecting the growing enthusiasm of our members to share our beautiful setting. The courts were refurbished in 2022 and we are in fundraising mode for a full rebuild within the next 6 - 8 years: a necessary expense to keep the tradition alive for our next generation.

Membership has expanded over the last three years and we are at capacity for 2024. Interested families are welcome to join our wait list. Please email to get on the list.

Sadly, we lost a good friend and an enthusiastic Tennis/Pickleball player earlier this year, Angela Wright. Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family. Last fall, we also lost Terry Ukrainec, who was a long-time member of our club and had worked countless hours over many years as a member the HHTC Executive Committee. The HHTC will be making separate donations to the Georgian Bay Land Trust in each of their names.



Allez! Monday and Friday ‘Drop-ins’ have been generating less interest and we are asking our members to reignite this long-standing tradition. The 'Drop-ins’ are a great way to meet some new playing partners and neighbours on The Bay.



Our new clothing line, launched in 2023, was a big hit. We have attractive hats, t-shirts, and long-sleeve t-shirts with the beautiful Honey Harbour Tennis Club logo. Contact one of our committee members to find out how to grab your Honey Harbour Tennis Club swag.



The AGM-President’s Social, our Pickleball Palooza and the legendary ‘Moonlight Madness’ dance were all well-attended and festive events again this year.  Be sure to note the 2024 dates below to come out and join us. 

Saturday, August 10 - President’s Social & AGM

followed by the Moonlight Madness Dance & Fundraiser 

Saturday, September 14 - Pickleball Palooza 



2024 Executive Committee

President - Tim Wilson

Vice-President - Vacant

Treasurer - Sabine Parks

Secretary - Brian Reesor

Membership - Coralynn Giordano and Carey Grierson

Tournament and Social Chair - George Burford

Court Maintenance - Bob Heron

HHA Liaison - Glenn Purcell

Inter-Club Captain - Mike Dymond

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Honey Harbour Association

P.O. Box 306

Honey Harbour, Ontario

P0E 1E0

Schoolhouse Address: 

10418 Georgian Bay Shore

(Located in North Bay, just around the corner from Pleasant Point)

Honey Harbour, ON  



Honey Harbour
Community Members!

We are gearing up for a very busy 2025 summer season! Please renew!

We welcome you to join our association. Keep up to date on news in the Honey Harbour community. Join in on our events and activities. Come out and meet your neighbours. Find out about Summer Camp, Yoga, Tennis and the Community Church.

There are activities for everyone.

Get Winter Patrol by signing up

for a Full Membership. 



Have a Question about the HHA?

Thanks for submitting!

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