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What we do
In addition to our annual summer events and programs, the HHA works on your behalf...
Since 1908, the Honey Harbour Association (HHA) has been working with the residents of the Honey Harbour area to ensure the extraordinary environmental, economic and social benefits of our community continue to be enjoyed among families and friends for generations to come. Find out more about our programs and events!
As a Member or Associate of the HHA, there are many opportunities to experience how your annual contributions work to achieve our shared interests, particularly with respect to preserving the bay, protecting our properties, and keeping us informed of events and social programs designed to enhance our collective enjoyment of the Honey Harbour area.
Government Liaison
The HHA monitors all township meetings and participates (when possible) in committees and events that matter to our community. This role includes tracking, reporting and monitoring local development issues.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Each summer the HHA holds an Annual General Meeting and BBQ luncheon at the the old Schoolhouse that is open to all Members and Associates. This gathering is an opportunity to learn about the activities of the HHA, get involved, and hear from local government and respected community representatives.
Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA)
FOCA is an Ontario wide umbrella group serving “Ontario’s lake associations, waterfront property owner’s (WPO) and waterfront communities through education, communication and government advocacy”. It provides your HHA Board with information that is relevant to cottagers on a provincial level such as taxes and access to insurance and keeps us updated on issues that might be of particular interest to the residents of Honey Harbour.
Georgian Bay Association (GBA)
The GBA is an umbrella group of 19 associations along the eastern and northern side of Georgian Bay, with a specific focus on the bigger issues affecting the well-being of Georgian Bay (Municipal, District, Provincial and Federal) that are beyond the reach of our association. A portion of your HHA membership fee goes to the GBA ($50). You are a member of the GBA through your HHA membership.