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Winter Patrol

Cottage Patrol: cottage property inspection

As cottagers ourselves, we know that our cottage patrol programme is one of the most highly prized benefits of membership in the HHA.  Our goal is to have each HHA member’s cottage inspected three times over the winter, ice conditions depending. Members are provided with pictures of their property at each visit.  Additional information is forwarded if open/ broken door/ windows, fallen trees, heavy snowfall and break-ins are found by the patroller. Our targets are a patrol by water in late November/early December, then by snow machine in late January and another in March. Some inspections may have to be cancelled due to inclement weather or poor ice conditions, however, every effort is made to safely provide reports throughout the winter season.

Additional Cottage Patrol - $30 Additional Fee for each additional building up to three additional buildings.

Covers the monitoring of other buildings located on the same lot, further than 15m (50ft) from the main cottage, such as sleeping cabins or tool sheds.


Cottage Patrol FAQs

When are the Inspections started and completed?
As safety is priority one, the inspector will decide when and how the inspections will be conducted.  We begin in November and try to complete as many patrols as we can, depending upon ice safety. The inspector will use a boat or snowmobile to complete the inspections, weather and conditions permitting. 

How do we communicate with the Winter Patrol (WP) support?
Via email:

We use this specific email address for all WP issues. Please note: it is important to update your trusted email list to include the aforementioned email address so that your report does not get sent to your trash or junk mail folder.  Actual WP dates will be published during routine newsletters sent via email during the winter season. 

If we have multiple buildings on our property which will the inspector inspect?
The main cottage building will be inspected and picture captured. There is an option to purchase an additional inspection if the member so decides. Once you join, go to the Member Page called Winter Patrol to pay for each of the additional buildings.

Additional Winter Patrol - $30 Additional Fee for each additional building up to three additional buildings.

Covers the monitoring of other buildings located on the same lot, further than 15m (50ft) from the main cottage, such as sleeping cabins or tool sheds.

As a member, when should I contact the WP team directly? 

Please inform the WP team of any safety concerns, such installation of a water movement system to keep ice from forming around docks and or boat houses or any large holes, etc. that might be concealed by snow.

Send WP a short note to the email address mentioned above so that we can include any additional information in our patrol information. Please ensure that your Membership Information is up to date and please put a 911 Sign on the front of your cottage.

How does the inspector identify the Member’s property?
The Georgian Bay Township provides a plastic 911 sign which must be attached to the front of your cottage if you are on the water, or on your driveway if you have road access. When the patroller arrives the 911 sign in photographed which identifies your cottage and let's us access your contact information and email.

As a member what do I need to know about the 911 sign?To obtain a 911 sign go to the Resources page on this site for a link to the township web site. The HHA does not provide the 911 signs. Once you have received your sign, please make sure it is located in a spot where the summer sun is not bleaching and damaging the plastic. Please put up the sign in a favourable location, where our winter patroller will be easily able to see if from a boat out front of your dock.

What does the patroller inspect?
The patroller will check the property and buildings for any visible signs of damage or open doors/windows.  Depending on the amount of snow the inspector will walk around the sides of the building/s however, when the snow is too deep, he will not be able to access all sides of the building/s.

What if there is damage to a building or signs of a break in?
We will contact the member as soon as possible. Please note, the WP cannot take any action on your behalf. 

How many pictures will the patroller take?
Typically, one picture will be taken to confirm the condition of each building at the inspector's discretion. 


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Honey Harbour Association

P.O. Box 306

Honey Harbour, Ontario

P0E 1E0

Schoolhouse Address: 

10418 Georgian Bay Shore

(Located in North Bay, just around the corner from Pleasant Point)

Honey Harbour, ON  



Honey Harbour
Community Members!

We are gearing up for a very busy 2025 summer season! Please renew!

We welcome you to join our association. Keep up to date on news in the Honey Harbour community. Join in on our events and activities. Come out and meet your neighbours. Find out about Summer Camp, Yoga, Tennis and the Community Church.

There are activities for everyone.

Get Winter Patrol by signing up

for a Full Membership. 



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